5 Ways To Help Your Relationship During Isolation
As we are needing to be in quarantine to prevent contracting or spreading COVID-19 this can affect your relationship. Here are 5 ways to help Your relationship survive being isolated with each other 24/7. These tips can also be useful at any time, not just during a pandemic.
Be Understanding. You both may have different thoughts and feelings about the Coronavirus, it’s important to respect and be understanding of those differences. If you feel you are approaching this pandemic with calmness and your partner is feeling anxious. Listen to how they feel and try to avoid telling them they’re overacting. Be compassionate toward their fears so they can talk about how they are feeling and relieve their tension. Your willingness to understand will keep your household peaceful. Also, during this time together more things may come up that you don’t agree on, so remember that you both do not have to be on the same page, but when you allow yourselves to see where the other person is coming from you prevent arguments from getting out of hand as you have a conversation to understand.
Keeping Your Calm. If you both are starting to recognize things your partner does that annoys you, or perhaps things you were able to tolerate before are now being intensely annoying, take a breath and have a moment where you can be in your own space. You want to make sure you walk away before lashing out and words are spoken that you can’t take back. When you’re not feeling irritated, then you can have a conversation about what is bothering you both and be aware of the language you use. Be mindful of your words to not be a cruel attack, instead, have a discussion about being conscious on what you both can do to live more harmoniously together. And remember, depending on what has been said and done, a genuine apology can go a long way.
Have Fun. Play games, have date night where you cook or order a meal and dress up, dance, create art together, try new things to break monotony and keep relationship interesting. Choose to enjoy this time together.
Set aside “Me Time”. It’s important to have time to yourself. Read a book, call loved ones, go for a walk, learn a new skill, start and finish a project, do what you enjoy doing by yourself to give each other your own time. Then when you come back to spending time together you will appreciate it more.
Acknowledge. Be aware of your part in what you say and do that can hurt your relationship or build it to make it stronger. During this time you will find out and make a choice if being in this relationship is not good for you both or if it’s a healthy relationship you want to keep.