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Interview on Health-wise 360

Check out my interview with Chrissy Cordingley on HEALTH-WISE 360. We discuss external factors such as experiences and what we learn from the media, our environment, educational institutions, and more that can lead you to develop self-devaluing and critical thoughts and a self-defeating approach to life. We communicate how “messy” self-evolution can be while sharing practical tools on how to know your worth and shift your mindset to be more constructive.

Trigger warning: We talk about suicide, and I share my personal experience with my attempt. We also provide suggestions on how to be aware of the signs and what to do if you know someone experiencing suicidal ideation.

Interview on Sugar Pills

Check out this conversation I had with Candy Washington on her podcast Sugar Pills. She and I share several tips on how to recognize if you’re truly valuing yourself and how to have a self-love mindset. The button below takes you to listening to the podcast, if you want to see our conversation click here to see it on YouTube.

Interview with Aging GreatFully

Check out this interview with Holley Kelley the host of Aging GreatFully. In recognition of September as Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, September 4th - 10th as National Suicide Prevention Week, and September 10th as World Suicide Prevention Day.

We discuss the battle I had with suicidal ideation, useful tips to thrive in life, and how you can help and support loved ones. If you enjoy this episode please share it with your friends and family.

Interview on Broken Bulbs

This interview was with Alex Williamns on Broken Bulbs. His podcast is about discovering our failures as creators, entrepreneurs, and individuals and, of course, what we learn from our mistakes.

Interview with Stories that Empower

Check out my interview with Sean Farjadi on his podcast Stories that Empower! We discuss how to overcome self-defeating beliefs, a low self-esteem, and a negative self-image. When you shift your mindset to value yourself you’re able to dissolve your anchor so you’re not holding yourself back anymore. Shared on this podcast are some of the following powerful nuggets of life wisdom:
– know your worth
– having a purpose can help us to have meaning in our lives
– our choices often lead to our experiences
– shift your minds to know your true worth and value
– forgive others and yourself
– face the pain and guilt, so it can be released
– know who you are so you can be yourself
– welcome in those relationships that are healthy

Interview with Denver Urban Spectrum

Check out this interview I did about fostering your mental health.

Releasing Toxic Lessons That Harm Your Image & Self-Esteem

Do you struggle with self-esteem and self-image?

We are bombarded daily by several factors that can shape the way we feel about and see ourselves. Join YCD (Youth Celebrate Diversity) and H. I. Yates with Luv Mrk for a workshop consisting of engaging imagery, self-reflective exercises, and thought-provoking discussions to understand how our views are developed causing our low self-esteem, negative self-image, and identity struggles.

After establishing what has shaped your views guiding your actions, you can identify what disparaging lessons to un-accept as truth and determine what experiences to emotionally heal from so they may no longer continue to crush your spirit.

This workshop is for you if you want to know your worth and remember the best of who you are!

Monday, February 7, 2022 @ 6pm MT

Your Year to Breakthrough, Level Up in 2022

I’m so excited to be one of the experts in Your Year to Breakthrough, Level Up in 2022 virtual summit on January 22, 2022 from 9am-12pm MT and I would like you to personally be a part of this transformation.

This FREE online summit consists of interviews with 11 experts who are in the space of healing, love, relationship, wealth, health and much more! Each interview is about 15min. and is packed with incredible tools, tips, and strategies on how to shift your mindset, build a better relationship with yourself and others, live a healthy life, navigate your professional goals and build wealth.

Register now with your complimentary ticket!

Confidence Through Self-Empowerment

Check out my podcast interview on Milestones, Motivation & Money with the host Angel Radcliffe. Her show can be found at the following links:

Spotify Link -

Apple Podcast Link -

My Apple Podcast Link

How To Become A More Empathetic Leader

Check out the guest article I wrote for, How To Become A More Empathetic Leader, Creating an environment where employees feel valued, safe, and happy.

Interview on My Wax Museum

Check out my interview with Alex Williamns on My Wax Museum! This podcast is about capturing stories to reveal that we should spend more time listening to those around us.

Interview on Milestones, Motivation & Money

Check out my interview with the host Angel Radcliffe.

Interview with Enterprise Radio

Check out my interview with the host Eric Dye as I discuss the following:

  1. Can you tell the audience about your background and story?

  2. What’s Luv Mrk, and what is the background of the company?

  3. Can you talk a little about your new book, Dissolving the Anchor” and how are audience can purchase it?

  4. What tips do you have for people overcoming their struggles and seeing the light and perhaps how you accomplished this?

  5. What advice to you have to people in our audience that are contemplating writing a book?

  6. Any last thoughts or ideas you would like to share with our audience?

Interview with Authority Magazine

Check out my interview with Pirie Jones Grossman from Authority Magazine titled, H I Yates: Second Chapters; How I Reinvented Myself In The Second Chapter Of My Life.

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Interview on Broken Bulbs

This interview was with Alex Williamns on Broken Bulbs. His podcast is about discovering our failures as creators, entrepreneurs, and individuals and, of course, what we learn from our mistakes.

Interview with Arash Farzaneh

Arash is a Writer, Educator, Blogger, and an advocate for health & wellness, mental health, spirituality & everything in-between. His description of interview:

H. I. Yates on Transformation and Healing on Arash's World

In this episode, I have the great pleasure to talk transformation and healing with H. I. Yates, transformation speaker, mindset coach, CEO and Founder of Luv Mrk and author of the inspirational memoir/self-help book "Dissolving the Anchor: Untethering Dysphoria and Self-Doubt to Create an Empowered Life." We discuss methods of dealing with and overcoming pain, unhappiness, and despair, how to shed negativity, and how to come and become closer and truer to who we really are.

You can also check out his blog Turning Negativity into Pure Gold: An Inspiring Interview with H. I. Yates

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Interview on A Resilience Project

Check out my interview with Cindy Thompson, the host of A Resilience Project podcast! I continue to go deeper and share new things with each interview. Click the interview button to listen to the heartfelt conversation between Cindy and I.

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Interview on Authentic Talks 2.0

Check out my interview with Shanta speaks.

Shanta’s description of episode: On this Episode of Authentic Talks 2.0, Shanta speaks with Author of Dissolving the Anchor, Untethering Dysphoria and Self-Doubt to Create an Empowered Life; Hailima Yates. She discusses why she wrote the book, who the book was written for, There are tips and tools for you!! This episode reminds Shanta of when she was facing the difficulty of shadow work uncovering the layers and diving deep.


Interview on Beauteous Me Podcast

Check out my interview with Jamilly Whitfield.

Jamilly’s description of this interview on Instagram - “Woooooooo this episode was intense @hiyates was vulnerable and shared her story for the world to hear. Check out her page and buy her book. You will not be disappointed.”

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Interview on Developing Inspired Leaders Podcast

Check out my interview with Nicky Davies. Her description of interview:

What do you do when you find yourself spiraling downwards to rock bottom? You find a way to re-build your belief in yourself. You choose a different life for yourself. You choose to dissolve the anchor that is holding you back. This is exactly what Hailima has done with her life and shares her story in this podcast episode.

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Podcast interview with Dr. Michelle Gordon

Dr. G's description of the episode: During the podcast, we talk about self-esteem, social justice, and racism, PLUS: 

  • Looking in the mirror and changing your narrative 

  • Hailima’s suicide attempt and what led to it

  • Her spiritual journey that helped change her thinking

  • The importance of NOW

  • Feeling the feelings

  • How to be there for others who are hurting 

Tune in to this episode today and find the inspiration you need to start seeing the best in you!

*There may have been some editing complications because we didn’t talk over each other during the interview.

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Interview on Hard Beautiful Journey Podcast

Here is the host Tiffany Vaughan’s description of the episode - My guest today is an incredible author and founder of Luv Mrk. Hailima Yates is here to talk with me about her book called "Dissolving The Anchor".  After a suicide attempt, Hailima wanted to stop feeling numb, sad and angry at the world. When life's challenges anchored her down, emotional distress kidnapped her spirit.  She needed to rediscover her power.

To change her life, Hailima faced the sources that birthed her fears, shattered her self-esteem, and created her self-sabotaging behavior. Part memoir and part self-help guide, Dissolving the Anchor illustrates a journey from self-critical thoughts and suicidal ideation to an elevated mindset.

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Interview on HeartBlend Podcast

Check out my conversation with host Lindsey Christian. We talk about knowing your worth and being empowered to make decisions that will bring you peace, happiness, and feel more fulfillment in life. I also share my journey on going from the bottom to getting to a more healthy space in my life journey. 

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Interview on Wellbeing & Career World Podcast

I chat about my background, what a transformation speaker is, share some life experiences, discuss why people have self-doubt and how it can be a positive or negative thing, caring about what others think, my book and much more is discussed throughout the podcast. The host is David Lawrence.

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Interview on Starve the Doubts Podcast

Check out my interview with the hosts Jared Easley & Ms. Christine.

Their show consists of conversations that range from online business, personal and professional development. Guests share how they have navigated challenging seasons & difficult hurdles to pursue success.

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Ms. Career Girl Guest Article



Interview on Wellness & Wanderlust Podcast

I enjoyed being a guest on this podcast, the host Valerie Moses is wonderful!

In this episode, I share my mental health journey, my struggles with suicidal ideation, and how I developed a life of purpose. We discuss:

  • The power of forgiving ourselves

  • How to pursue true happiness

  • Fostering healthy relationships in our lives

  • Ways to support friends and loved ones who may be struggling with mental health challenges

  • How those in marginalized groups can practice self-care and protect their energy

  • Why it’s important for us to keep sharing our stories

Online Book Launch Party

This video is the event's live stream, which included speaking with the participating artists, people who read Dissolving the Anchor before launch to provide their review, and a therapist’s perspective.

Audience members also participated by sending in their questions and by receiving giveaways.

This two-hour event was fun, insightful, and encouraging!

Unboxing My Book

I didn’t think I would react this way! This was the first time I got to see and hold my book. Publishing this book has been a long journey and sometimes a difficult process. All of the time, hard work, dedication, courage, and self-acceptance to go through with finishing this book and publish it means so much to me.

Interview with Brightside Global Trade

Check out my interview with Elizabeth and Elton. I enjoyed our conversation!

Interview with RMAE

Rocky Mountain Association of Entrepreneurs has a mission to improve the business climate and quality of life for small businesses and entrepreneurs. It provides valuable services to business and civic leaders who represent the backbone of our business community.

I felt honored to be speaking with them to share my story with the community! Please excuse the hiccup in the first couple of minutes as I had technical difficulties. About 2:27 everything is good to go.

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Presales have started!!!

You can view the incentives on the Event page.

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Goal Reached!!!

Thanks to all of the people who contributed to the Kickstarter campaign the project is fully funded! I am filled with excitement and my heart is smiling from all of the support.


Kickstarter Campaign

How many people like asking for money? Not too many people are likely to raise their hand. Haha! I was hesitant to create a fundraising campaign for this memoir, yet people have revealed to me how important mental health and suicide prevention is to them and shared they’d be willing to help if I need anything. I realized it would be helpful in covering costs for self-publishing and a great way to have a community of supporters be a part of this book. Some of the perks for contributing include having supporters listed in a book trailer, promo videos, and on my website and social media pages. This memoir may be my story, however, it is also more than me. It’s about us being dedicated in a common goal of having the capacity to emotionally heal and live with purpose. Let’s be a part of this together. I’ll keep you updated on how it goes! You can also check out the people who have contributed to this book thus far by clicking on the Supporters button below.


Making Headway

I started dedicating myself to writing this memoir a few years ago. However, it was in 2019 when I really started to make some headway in discovering my voice and understood what direction this book was going. It went through a series of edits before I began working with a self-publishing service company for them to guide me in turning this book into something that could make a real and sustainable difference in others’ lives. It’s been a long process and a lot of work, but worth it! Even if only one person’s life changes for the better. We’re now on track to have presales begin April 2021 and launch in May!


Art of Caring

It’s been amazing to see how many people care about mental health! When I shared I was writing this memoir and looking for art, the artists were happy to contribute for a price I could afford. I have been working with artists locally and globally for over a year to provide illustrations that complement the story as well as convey more than words can express. You can see some of them listed on the Supporters page. (Image shown was illustrated by Ismail Khan Alzai)